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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


My life has changed quite dramatically in the past year. Since May of '06 I got married, moved with my best friend, Shorty, to Alaska, started a new job, had a baby and adopted a puppy at the same time. My family says I should write a book about my experiences, but for now will have to settle for a blog. Alaska is a great place to start a new chapter in your life. Its big, beautiful, wide-open, a little dangerous, and almost everyone here came from someplace else. In Alaska people refer to the other states as "the lower 48" so you almost feel like you're in a foreign country. Its a little bit Green Acres (can you picture Zsa Zsa in mukluks?), a little bit The Simple Life, and sometimes just the boring life. If I shared this blog with you, I thank you because you are someone special to me. "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, And the other gold" I hope you enjoy sharing this across the miles.