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Thursday, September 27, 2007

First Snow

Alaska is full of beautiful scenery. Tired of being cooped up indoors, we took a four-wheeler ride on Aaron's day off. We bundled up Eva in her first snow suit and hit the trail which travels North on the Kotzebue peninsula. First we travelled the beach, passing the set-nets trying to capture a few more fish before the ocean freezes over (which I'm told happens around Oct 15). Then we crossed the bridge and took the ATV trail through the tundra. It was quite wet and boggy in a few places and I was sure we were going to be stuck out there, but the razor did just fine. After a few tense minutes, I was having fun! We crossed the tundra covered with blueberry, cranberry and crowberry bushes. Our mission was to see some local wildlife. Aaron spotted a caribou off in the far distance but no ptarmigan or artic fox which are also abundant in the area, and luckily no bear. Our companion on these rides is usually Zoey. She is very good about staying close when we let her run free. As soon as we start up the vehicle, she is right there waiting because she is terrified we are going to leave her behind. Her nervousness creates a lot of smashed blueberries when you are trying to get a snack out there.

Zoey running behind the RZR

It seems that winter has finally arrived in Kotzebue. Headed outside to the let the dogs out, I was totally ambushed by it. It has been plenty cold for awhile but its always surprising to walk outside after the first snow and see the ground covered in white. I think Eva was intrigued, taking in how everything looked different and sticking her tongue out for the snow. It scares me unlike it did back in Anchorage. Alaska has long, dark winters to be sure. The difference in Kotzebue is that there aren't a whole lot of options to break up the monotony. You check the mail, you go to the store and maybe for a walk. I'm wondering when I will officially become bored. For now, exercise and socializing keeps me happy with the routine chores and the life cemented in a place where traveling more than 9 miles from home means taking to the air or sea.