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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Dog Who Came One Day

Zoey in the snow

One day last week when I took the dogs out in the morning there was a 50mph wind storm. I grabbed the camera and started snapping pictures. There was a strange dog running up the road towards trooper housing. He looked like he was on a mission, but when he saw me and Zoey and Shorty, he decided to stop and visit. The first thing I noticed after a closer look is that around his face and neck he was covered in blood. I went inside my house to get some treats and before I even noticed he was there, the strange dog had let himself into our home. It was as if he had done it a thousand times before. I gave him chicken jerky and checked his neck for injuries but it looked like he had simply eaten something very bloody earlier and gotten it on himself. It is pretty standard practice for many Kotzebue residents to feed their dogs whatever is left over from the latest kill so I wasn't concerned. I left him outside and watched as he and Zoey played for awhile.

When I heard a car pull up later that day, I peeked out the window to see if it was Aaron. It was another trooper on a lunch break. He saw the bloody dog (who was still outside our place) running towards him and he freaked. He sprayed the poor beast with pepper spray and stood guard on the porch to keep it away. His wife was trying to yell to him that the dog was nice but it was too late. The husky's face was burning; he was pawing at the offending area and rubbing it in the snow. The trooper gave me a look through the window that said, "I'm sorry- I didn't know!" His wife called me later to say that she wanted me to examine the dog because it was all bloody and I told her I already had. She said it was an extraordinarily friendly dog and had let itself inside her home! I laughed. After the attack, none of us wanted to check on the dog for fear of retaliation so we left him alone outside our housing. He stayed for quite awhile but at the end of the day was gone. I just can't shake the feeling that the dog who came one day was there for a reason. Is it possible that this dog represented something that is going to come into our lives? I haven't seen him since that day. I hope he is okay and he comes back to visit someday. I can only say that I will keep you posted....

The dog who came one day

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Eva's First Wheels

Babies grow up so fast! One day you are helping feed them Cheerios and the next day they are doing it themselves. It seems like the things you buy for babies only last for a short time. So some of the toys we bought for Eva for Christmas were given to her a little early this year. They seemed to be going to waste just sitting in a box under the tree and she's too young to understand Christmas this year anyway. You can see from the look on her face how much fun we had giving this car to her! Babies are the greatest... how many times do we get this look from giving someone a present?