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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hawaii Bound

I have never been more ready for a tropical vacation than I am this week! While my friend is out of town on her vacation for two weeks, we are watching her daycare kids and dog. Its not too bad because I am making some extra spending cash for the trip but it is hard work. The kids get here early and I don't get to leave the house all day. Kotzebue is dark, cold and windy right now. It has gotten as low as -30 so far. Aaron took a six hour overnight snow machine ride to one of the villages last week and got a pretty significant frostbite patch on his nose. I only hope he doesn't sunburn it on top of that!

Eva is now crawling everywhere! In 30 seconds she can get from the living room to the kitchen and be eating out of the dog's bowl. There is no more chance to let your guard down. She is so full of energy, laughing and fun. I can't wait to get her into the kiddie pool at the Hyatt in Maui. She splashes around in my bubbling foot spa while I soak my feet and has a grand time.

Eva purring