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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Warmer Weather

Zoe shedding her winter coat
The recent weeks have brought temps above freezing in Kotzebue (although we had fresh snow on the ground this morning). We have been spending a lot more time outside. It is nice to get fresh air and let the kids run wild.

Hotdogs and Campfire at Trooper Housing

Kotzebue from Cemetary Hill

Pure Joy

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Vacation and Ice Fishing

Hi everyone! Long time, no post. For two months I was working at the high school teaching Chemistry and Biology. It was a lot of fun and only half days so not too overwhelming. The rest of the time we have a small daycare operation running in our house. We have a four year old and two year old right now and we'll see how it goes from here. Aaron started his new investigator position on May 1 and Eva had her first birthday since last time we posted anything new. I guess many of these things could take up a whole entry by themselves but to get them up as quickly as possible, I'm going to make one big entry.

Life in Kotzebue is good. Spring is showing its first signs and the snow is beginning to melt. Town is a wet, muddy mess but we don't mind because it means warmer times ahead! It is light almost all the time now. We had to order new curtains for our place so we can sleep at night. I'm sure Shorty must be glad to be able to go outside longer than a minute without suffering from a hip lock. Eva is growing by leaps and bounds! She is such a good-natured little girl....and such a trooper. We drag her with us everywhere we go and there is usually not much complaining.

We were recently in West Virginia and Toronto visiting family and friends. Here are some highlights from our trip:

Aaron, Eva and I hiked Dorsey's knob--the highest spot in Morgantown.

Eva pets a stuffed raccoon at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto

Niagara Falls in Canada

Eva andUncle Austin at her 1st Birthday party (also the WVU Blue and Gold Game)

A wonderful visit with Eva's Godmother, Atsuko

Last night we took Eva ice fishing. It was a blast and we caught our first (and only) fish 10 minutes into the trip. As you can see, the ocean is still frozen in Kotz and judging by the ice auger used, is still about 6 feet thick. You can see part of town in the background of this picture. The fish in front of Eva was a beauty and we're making fish tacos for dinner tonight. Eva seemed to have fun until she got bored about an hour into the trip. She tried to crawl into the ice hole a couple times so we quit, but I'm sure its not our last one this year.