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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5 weeks and counting... breakup in Kotzebue

Five weeks left to go with the pregnancy and I'm not sure if I'm more anxious to have this baby or to move. It seems like we go back and forth on a daily basis. As of now, we are eligible to bid out of Kotzebue but we aren't sure we're ready to leave. In a lot of ways Kotzebue has been good for us and we will certainly miss the people we have become friends with here. Although I was initially skeptical of living in housing in such close proximity to all the people Aaron works with, it has been a blessing in disguise and made for a lot of good memories. Not to say there we haven't had our share of challenges, but overall when you chose to be happy where you are, you will be.

Breakup is finally on the finishing end here and as you can see from the pictures, we are mostly on dry ground. Eva loves to "go outside" and help daddy break up ice, clean up after Zoe, go to the playground and ride in the RZR. Zoe got a haircut and is on a weight loss plan after the vet said we put a few too many pounds on her this winter. Aaron is still training to run the Mayor's half marathon when we go to town. Eva and I leave in three weeks and won't be back until the baby is born. Next time I update this blog, we will be a family of four! I can't wait.