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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Eva's First Wheels

Babies grow up so fast! One day you are helping feed them Cheerios and the next day they are doing it themselves. It seems like the things you buy for babies only last for a short time. So some of the toys we bought for Eva for Christmas were given to her a little early this year. They seemed to be going to waste just sitting in a box under the tree and she's too young to understand Christmas this year anyway. You can see from the look on her face how much fun we had giving this car to her! Babies are the greatest... how many times do we get this look from giving someone a present?

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

She is getting so big.. I know what you mean about the toys just wasting away under the tree. Several times I have wanted to pull out teh little car we got Isabel. But there is only a few more days.